Do You Need a C-Section Birth Plan?
Short answer: YES! If you don’t want to do any grunt work, just download my birth plans! Get a FREE C-Section birth plan with an included VBAC birth preferences checklist.
Want to know what exactly you should have on a C-Section birth plan? Keep reading!
*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means that, at no added cost to you, I may receive compensation for products you purchase through links found on my blog. (Thank you, thank you!) This in no way affects the products I recommend (I only recommend the best)!*
*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, so please consult your physician before attempting any of these suggestions. Use your best judgment. What worked for me may not work for you. Each body is different and unique. Do what you feel is best at your own risk. I am not liable for any consequences. I am a blogger. This is a blog meant to provide opinions, suggestions, experiences, and information. Not medical advice. I am human and make mistakes, so information may not be 100% complete or accurate. Thank you, and enjoy!*
What exactly isĀ A C-Section Birth Plan?
C-Section birth plans outline what you would like to experience in the case that you have another Cesarean surgery. Putting one together also helps you learn just how many options you have during a C-Section! From incision closures to how soon you get the baby, there are many things you can discuss with your provider before-hand.
Does incision closure really affect recovery? YES! Here is what you need to know about Staples vs Sutures
Why Would I Need a Cesarean Birth Plan if I’m Planning a VBAC or Vaginal Delivery?
Excellent question. We all have perfect little plans in our minds, written down, posted on our bathroom mirrors or Pinterest boards, and declared to the universe. But, as the Lord likes to remind us over and over: Life is filled with unexpected turns.
My first ended in a C-Section, despite my expectations of having a quick and easy vaginal delivery. I planned a VBAC with my second baby. I was SO SURE I was going to get it because I worked SO hard! But it was a CBAC (Cesarean Birth After Cesarean- which implies a VBAC was intended). With baby #3, I gave my heart and soul into preparing for a VBA2C, but in the end, I was SURE I was going to have an RCS (repeat C-Section). To my surprise, after 5 days of labor, I actually had a VBA2C!
So you see, we can prepare and plan, and try our hardest, but in the end, it really is all up to God. We just have to roll with the punches, give it our best shot, then look for the little and big miracles we had on the way.
Okay, But Do I Need a Birth Plan If I’m Planning A Repeat C-Section?
Absolutely. Having a birth plan hammered out before your planned C-Section gives you a clear guide for what you want at your C-Section. Being straightforward on what you want facilitates productive conversations with your providers. You have many options and can set yourself up for a better experience if you have a loose path to follow and make your expectations transparent before you even get to the hospital.
Something else to keep in mind- even if you are planning a C-Section, have a backup VBAC plan. If you’ve had 1 C-Section or 7, if there is no urgent medical reason, you don’t need to rush into the hospital to have a C-Section. So many times I’ve heard moms proudly proclaim, “I went into labor, and rushed to the hospital, and was at 6cm by the time they wheeled me into the operating room! Thank goodness we made it on time!” ??? Why “thank goodness”??? You probably just had a completely unnecessary abdominal surgery. If you go into labor and start dilating (especially that quickly!) see where it goes! You could simply have a VBAC! Vaginal delivery is not something to actively, unnecessarily avoid! Even if you’ve had multiple Cesareans.
This is a VBAC mom- ANY mom’s dream! Can you imagine if everyone experienced “Oops, I’m already 6cm dilated,” at term? It would be freaking incredible.
What Should I Include in a C-Section Birth Plan?
I have an incredible post dedicated to 20 options you have during Cesareans. But here is a cliff-notes version:
Do you want stitches or staples? (If they don’t stitch all seven layers, including your skin, you need to hire a new provider. More info in this post)
Would you prefer to have your arms strapped down or not?
List any medications you would like to decline (such as anti-nausea or anti-anxiety ones).
Do you want certain music playing?
Do you want a clear drape to watch the birth of your baby?
Can you catch your own baby?
Can they examine Baby on your chest instead of in a different room, or under a heat lamp?
There are so many things to think about when it comes to what to include on your C-Section birth plan. I’ll probably go more in-depth in a separate post.
Now You Know
Firstly, you know you are more likely to have a better birth experience if you have a clear plan mapped out. In addition, you’ll be able to have good things to talk about with your OB when they ask that dreaded “Do you have any questions?” Thirdly: Even if you are planning a VBAC, you know why it is important to have a C-Section birth plan just in case.
What will you do?
Will you create your own C-Section birth plan? Start here with this simple, 1-page plan.
Questions? Send me an email at! Subscribe to my newsletter to hear more about birth after C-Sections.
Thanks for joining me on this journey!
Lots of love,