Does your C-Section scar feel numb, itchy, tingly, tight, or achy? Do you have back pain, headaches, constipation or bladder problems? You would benefit from scar massage!
*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means that, at no added cost to you, I may receive compensation for products you purchase through links found on my blog. (Thank you, thank you!) This in no way affects the products I recommend (I only recommend the best)!*
*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, so please consult your physician before attempting any of these suggestions. Use your best judgment. What worked for me may not work for you. Each body is different and unique. Do what you feel is best at your own risk. I am not liable for any consequences. I am a blogger. This is a blog meant to provide opinions, suggestions, experiences, and information. Not medical advice. I am human and make mistakes, so information may not be 100% complete or accurate. Thank you, and enjoy!*
Cesarean Sections are the most common invasive surgeries in the United States. (cataract removals are the most common surgeries, but let’s be honest, C-Sections are way more invasive). It’s almost obscene how little doctors prepare you for recovery after a freaking abdominal surgery. My friend who had thyroid surgery was instructed by the doctor on how to massage her tiny scar, but it was never mentioned to me. This is why I started my blog. To tell moms what their doctors should tell them, but don’t.
To optimize your massages even more, add some topical scar cream to your regimen. You don’t want any lotions for friction massage or stretch massage (#s 1 and 2), but for rub/up massage and organ rub massages, it can be very soothing and beneficial.
Recommended brands of Cesarean scar cream:
Purchase one of these brands for all-natural, organic materials delivered in beautifully compact, glass containers. They may seem tiny, but they last longer than a year! The balm is super effective in small quantities. (My favorite diaper rash cream is Motherlove’s diaper balm)
Want to see what this scar looks like after using Earth Mama Organic Skin & Scar Balm for a year? Check out her video here! See if you can even spot her scar!
For silicone-based solutions, try these silicone strips:
or this cream:
More about Cesarean births:
Did you know stitches and staples have vastly different scars and recoveries? Yeah. Check it out here.
Did you know you always get antibiotics when you have a C-Section? This destroys your gut! Every single C-Section mom should take probiotics- here are my favorites– or risk crazy yeast infections and rashes. Yeah. Read more about treating yeast in this post series.
Did you know MOST C-Section moms are perfect candidates for VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarean)? Or that VBA2C was even a thing (vaginal birth after two cesareans!)? Yes! It is backed by ACOG (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology), but too many OBs focus on the risks of VBACs and not on the risks of repeat C-Sections. (Read here to learn about 4 common VBAC mistakes)
Back to the topic at hand.
There are many different massages to release the scar tissue, fascia, & organs, and promote nerve re-growth after a Cesarean.
Here are FIVE techniques for massaging your C-Section Scar
(I’m totally making most of these names up)
1. Friction Massage
Slowly caress the scar. As your scar heals, build up speed and pressure, until you briskly brush the area with the area between your outer finger joints.
2. Press & Slide
3. Pinch the Skin
4. Lift & Brush
5. Rub the Organs
Watch the video for a full tutorial! Let me know if you have any questions